The Secret to Contentment

The grand adventure

I believe all human beings have a certain inert desire within their soul to be a part of something bigger and greater than themselves.  To be living some grand adventure or be involved in a cause that truly changes the lives of others for the better.  As believers and followers of Christ this desire only grows.  We have had our eyes open to the truth of all things and more importantly we have a personal relationship with the Creator of all things.  Because of this we desperately want to be a part of His grand plan.

Many of us then, spend a significant amount of time, energy and thought on what Gods plan is for our life.  What is our part in this great adventure?  What contentment and joy there would be if we just knew what Gods plan is for us.  If we knew what career to pursue, who to marry and where to live.  What ministry we should start or join, who we should talk to and what we should say. If only our whole lives were laid out for us so that we could know that we are on the right path, fulfilling who we are to be.

Does God really have a plan?

But unfortunately most, if not all, of us experience difficult and challenging circumstances in life.  Seasons when our jobs are not as meaningful as we imagined them to be.  Times when our marriage isn’t what Hollywood portrayed it to be.  Or when our ministry seems to be fruitless.  It is in these times that we doubt Gods plan and further, doubt He even has one for us.  When we are in a place where we have no control and have no idea what to do, discontentment begins to run wild within our hearts and minds.

In my own personal battle against discontentment the Spirit was gracious enough to remind me of a great and precious promise from the word.

“…be content with what you have…” Heb. 13:5a

This portion of scripture is a great reminder, challenge and meditation in and of itself.  When we take time to look at all the mercy, grace and blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us we hopefully realize that what we have is still far more than we could ever deserve.  But the author of this passage wants us to dig deeper, go farther than simply our physical or material blessings.

“…for he has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you” Heb. 13:5b

I truly believe this is the secret to contentment that the Apostle Paul speaks of in Philippians.  That one thing that gave him the ability to endure good and evil, plenty and nothing.  It is in the solid truth that even when it seems we have nothing, we have more than we could ever imagine.  We have the King of Kings, the creator and sustainer of all things living and abiding within us.  The precious righteousness of Jesus Christ draped upon our shoulders.  The mighty Spirit of the Living God that rose Christ from the grave is empowering us to do and be unimaginable things.

Rich beyond imagination

Even if our circumstances are less than ideal, or our bodies have betrayed us.  When our careers seem shipwrecked, or our marriage is in ruin.  Even if we truly have nothing on this earth to our name…even if God doesn’t have an intricately detailed plan for us all laid out.  We still have the greatest treasure.  Our God is with us always.  Whether you’re crossing into eternity or the threshold of your workplace.  Whether it’s into the darkest neighborhood or the house of worship.  No matter where we go…He is with us.  He who cannot lie has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us.