A Message for The Circle

Hello to my youth group who I have not seen in what feels like forever!!

Technology! It’s pretty awesome…

…especially at a time like this when we aren’t really allowed to do normal relationship stuff in person. But we all know that when it really comes down to it, the time invested in our phones, movies, tv, internet, youtube, gaming, social media etc. are all “relationships” that don’t give back very much. We invest in them to keep from getting bored, or to feel connected, or to have fun, but the reality is that all too often theses distractions don’t deliver what they promise. This is a hard truth and one which most of our generations (yours and mine) have chosen to just ignore.

  It turns out that another interesting “upside” to this quarantine situation is that many of you will have all the time you want to invest in media consumption. My hope is that it will leave you feeling empty, antsy, unfulfilled, and bored. I know that sounds harsh, but it could have some real positive results. When you come to the point where you are able to see through the things you fill your days with, and see what they truly are and where they actually lead, it is a huge step toward asking one of the most important questions a human being can ask…”What will actually satisfy”?

That question is the start of a wise thinking pattern! The student who searches for the answer to that question will certainly find it; and along the way will learn to use discernment and find balance in the media centered culture we live in.

So let’s be practical for a minute:

Now, more that ever, it is important for you to set aside some time from each day to be technology free. Prove to yourself the you can do it! It will be good for your mind, body and your soul.

Keep seeking the Lord, establishing good spiritual habits, and trying to use encouraging words! We are praying for you all and looking forward to meeting again. I am hoping to see you all at the and of April! We will see how the situation looks from there, but at this point we are thinking about extending youth group through May (that gives us 4 weeks regular meetings…again, we will wait and see what happens) and then Recharge begins in June! Sr High mark your calendars, tell your parents, and start looking forward to the summer retreat at Circle K! June 26-28.

See you soon…ish! – Pastor Bob Jr