Member Resources
Here you will find member resources and downloadable documents for those who attend Pine Grove Community Church. Take a look at our team covenant and learn what we believe before becoming a team member. Interested in being baptized? Below you will find our baptism information form. Baptism takes place every summer during each of our four Family Church Sundays. We also have our child dedication form that can be downloaded below. And of course, for youth events and adult retreats, we have an activity participation agreement. Learn about all of these below!

Team Covenant
Thank you for your interest in possibly becoming a member of Pine Grove Community Church. One of our Core Values here is in regard to formal church membership. It states: We hold formal membership to the church loosely, but hold in highest regard the believers' accountability to the Body of Christ.
For many of you, past experiences have created a bad feeling about the idea of Church Membership. Some have seen it has a way for church leadership to control the members of the church.
We see it as something completely different! It is an opportunity to belong; you to each part of the Body here and each part of the Body to you. We are a community! With that community comes the need for understanding and for a covenant between us. Covenant just means a commitment to both give and take in the relationship. We also refer to it as “Team Covenant” because we believe that the church is not for spectators... some who watch and others who serve. But, like a team, every member is gifted and needed to make the team function it’s best.
Attached is the Pine Grove Community Church Team Covenants. It explains what we believe, what we the leadership covenant to you, and what is expected of you as part of the team. The last page is where you have the opportunity to join the Team.
Please print and read the covenant. Have each member of your family who is interested in joining the Team to read it also. Then, print the last page; one copy for each person in your home who is interested in joining the team. Fill it out and hand it to Pastor Bob or Vicki. The elders will read each submitted covenant and they will be returned to you, signed by Pastor Bob as our covenant to you.
You all belong, whether you “join the team” or not! This is just a way that you can intentionally be a part of a closer accountability relationship between you and the rest of the Body at PGCC.

Baptism Information
Baptism is an outward sign of an inward change. Baptism doesn’t save us or give us new life. Only grace, through faith in what Christ has done on the cross, could give us that. But baptism does identify us as a believer in Christ. And by it we identify, in a symbolic way, with what Christ did to purchase our salvation: That He died, was buried, and rose again!
Each summer the PGCC Family gathers for an outdoor baptism. Check our events calendar for the next baptism taking place! If you don't want to wait that long, we also schedule other baptism services as needed. Please fill out this form and speak to Pastor Bob about what you would like to do.
If you are interested in following the Lord’s example in baptism, please download the information and form here.

Child Dedication
Child dedication is a ceremony in which parents stand before their church family and God to seek God’s blessing on their child and family. Through child dedication, parents acknowledge that their child is a gracious gift from God to their family. It is a time for parents to ask God’s blessing and protection on their child. And it is a time for parents to commit to raising their child in a Christian home by instilling biblical truth and values with the hope that the child will make a personal profession of Christ as Savior.