Welcome To Pine Grove Community Church
Thanks for stopping by! Learn about us, connect with us and learn the latest here.
About Us
This Church is not a building but God's people. We are an Evangelical Free Church, and strive to be a place where all ages will be challenged to take hold of real life-changing faith. If you visit us, you will find a contemporary worship style with an emphasis on practical Bible teaching.
The Circle | Sr. High Youth Group
PGCC Building 2
85 Pleasant Valley Rd. Pine Grove, PA 17963
The Circle | Jr. High Youth Group
PGCC Building 2
85 Pleasant Valley Rd. Pine Grove, PA 17963
The Circle | Sr. High Youth Group
PGCC Building 2
85 Pleasant Valley Rd. Pine Grove, PA 17963
The Circle | Jr. High Youth Group
PGCC Building 2
85 Pleasant Valley Rd. Pine Grove, PA 17963
Women of Grace Bible Study
PGCC Building 1
85 Pleasant Valley Road, Pine Grove, Pennsylvania
The Circle | Sr. High Youth Group
PGCC Building 2
85 Pleasant Valley Rd. Pine Grove, PA 17963
Weather Cancellation Policy:
If Pine Grove Area Schools are delayed then morning ministries will be canceled.
If Pine Grove Area Schools are dismissed early, canceled, or have a virtual day then evening ministries will be canceled.
Listen To Past Lessons
View our collection of downloadable sermons that can be easily played. Our collection of past lessons covers a wide variety of topics all built on the foundation of biblical truth.
Catch up with a series, listen to a sermon you missed, or try our church from your home. Most of all, learn from the word, spend time growing your faith and apply these biblical lessons to your life.